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  • Brain Waves Saathi

    Posted in Updates on Sep 25, 2021

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    Become a part of Brain Waves Saathi

  • Don't mistake a good city on the way to your destination

    Posted in Updates on Aug 01, 2020

    Don't mistake a good city on the way to your destination as the destination.

    Leave no opportunity of feasting and dancing in that city just because it's not yet the destination.


  • Whenever I have multiple things to do in the day,

    Posted in Updates on Aug 01, 2020

    Whenever I have multiple things to do in the day, I feel pumped up and then I lay down and wait for that feeling to go away.😉😅

    Never knew 🌚, Sometimes being lazy can promote mental relaxation🤘, improved memory🧠 and excellent cellular regeneration❄️

    Mind it, only 'Sometimes' 🙃🦋

  • Feeling lethargic, less than joyous, out of sync?

    Posted in Updates on Aug 01, 2020


    Feeling lethargic, less than joyous, out of sync?

    These are the sure shot ways using which you can consciously bring yourself in alignment with the flowing life force.

    1. Walking barefoot balances the earth element
    2. Eating live foods. They carry stored sunlight in them that balance the fire element
    3. Drinking charged water balances the water element
    4. Observing space / sky balances the ether element.
    5. Some Breathwork ( pranayam) balances the air element
    6. Drop of homemade ghee in each nostril for restorative sleep
    7. Love and Laughter with friends and family
    8. Seal all above with a dose of gratitude and you...
